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Everything posted by Dodecahedron314

  1. Sometimes, you just need one of your best friends to drag you 15 miles on a spontaneous public transportation expedition to the other side of the city just for the heck of it.

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    2. Dodecahedron314


      Bus and then half the metro lines in the city--after that trip, there are only two lines I haven't ridden. The transportation geek friend whose idea this was has now ridden all 8, which was why we did this in the first place--we went all the way to the northernmost line in the system, which was the only one she hadn't ridden yet. It was a good day, and I very much needed the opportunity to get as far away from campus as possible that day.

    3. Louis On Air

      Louis On Air

      Which métro system is this?

    4. Dodecahedron314


      Well, it's not quite a "metro" per se, it's the El train system in Chicago. (Though I'm not entirely sure if there's a difference, because I've never lived anywhere with a proper metro system that actually calls itself as such.)

  2. Yeah, i originally heard this in the context of AFABs with loinger ring fingers and AMABs with longer index fingers being more likely to be trans rather than gay. (Sorry for the typos, my tablet is messing up so i can't fix it)
  3. I heard the finger length thing was related to how much estrogen/testosterone you were exposed to before birth--longer ring finger = more testosterone, longer index finger = more estrogen. I'd link to where I found that if it hadn't been hundreds of pages ago in an AVEN thread. Agender AFAB aroace with longer ring fingers than index fingers.
  4. That moment when you realize that you've been roped into giving people relationship advice every day for the past three days even though you're the literal least qualified person on the planet for that and you just kind of sit there for about 5 minutes, staring at a wall in disbelief and wondering how on Earth your life came to this.
  5. I'm from the same part of America that Danny's currently living in (the hot dry bit), but I haven't actually lived there in years--I spent the past four years in the hot humid bit of America, and now I'm living in the cold* windy bit There's a lot of variation between places here, mostly because the US is just so darn big. The hot dry bit where I grew up is 2000 or so miles away from the hot humid bit where I went to high school, and the hot humid bit is another 1100 miles from the cold windy bit where I am now, which in turn is about 500 miles from the cold less-windy bit where I technically live when I'm not in the cold windy bit for college. And all of those large amounts of miles are in different directions. (Also, using Imperial units rather than the metric system is THE WORST. Just throwing that out there.) * (which also gets really hot in the summer for no reason, but because it's the cold windy bit, a lot of the buildings don't bother to have air conditioning, which makes life difficult) An interesting thing about America: political leanings, levels of religiosity, and tolerance of others are very much geographically distributed. Generally, the farther south and/or east you go, the more conservative and religious and intolerant the majority of people tend to be, and the farther north and/or west you go, the more liberal and tolerant the people become. This is, of course, just a generalization--there are certainly liberal people/areas in the South and conservative people/areas up North--but broadly speaking, it's a general trend that's just sort of taken for granted here. (Also, we have the somewhat problematic tendency to just call ourselves "America" rather than just "the US" because most people just kind of forget about the existence of Canada, Mexico, and the entirety of Central and South America on a daily basis.)
  6. I love my roommate's kitten dearly, but WHY does she insist on getting into my suitcases? >.<

    1. brsajo


      If it fits, I sits! :3

    2. Zae


      Because suitcases are awesome! And the cat obviously likes you so much, It want to be with you wherever you go~

  7. *fumes at roommates for flaking on helping them move for the third time in two days*

  8. I've played clarinet for...8 years now?? I've also attempted guitar (moderately successfully) and ocarina (decidedly less successfully), I picked up percussion last year for pep band to fill in for our snare drummer who was out of town for a big performance, and I'm currently attempting to teach myself baritone (also for pep band, because our low brass currently consists of exactly one tuba and that's it) and piano. In short, I am a hopeless band geek.
  9. Tfw your extremely straight not-very-close friend is better at picking up on how uncomfortable you get when people kiss in front of you than the couple of fairly close friends, both of which are generally more educated about aromanticism, whom you literally live with >.<
  10. Yes, this looks familiar, I think this is it. There might have been a similar post somewhere else, but this is essentially what I was talking about.
  11. So my apartmentmate recently subjected me to the movie Birdemic, which I really only agreed to because of the hilariously bad trailer with awfully animated birds and explosions. The movie itself spends probably 45 minutes on pointless exposition involving the main protagonists and their "romantic" date. At one point I got fed up and said, "I'm not here for straight people, I'm here for explosions!"
  12. I should probably try and find tbe source I was talking about again in order to make sure I'm not misinterpreting it, my post was essentially more of an FYI than anything--and I'm certainly not one to tell people outright what terms they can or can't use, it was just something I recalled about the original spirit of the term.
  13. I was under the impression from the source of the term that it was originally meant to be used only in the sense of aplatonic as a descriptor of specifically aro people who don't feel inclined toward queerplatonic relationships, and that's all--I think I even remember the creator of the term specifically asking people not to affix other prefixes to it like would normally be done with other orientations because it would confuse the issue and give those people on Tumblr who always say "but that's just being friends, you don't need a label for that" ammunition, but I'm not certain and it's been so long since I've seen the post that I'm pretty sure I've lost the post by now. It might be googleable though?
  14. AAAAAAAAAAA My roommate's kitten just ran up and booped my nose and it was ADORABLE. :arolove:

    1. ArodynamicallyFavored


      the little part of my heart not focused on chocolate just melted from this post :hugs:

  15. Misfile was one of the ones I was considering reading after I got caught up on Ignition Zero over the weekend, but I haven't started it yet. I've heard of the other two, but haven't looked into them.
  16. I was just going to post about this, because the same thing happened to me! I don't think they're the same comics, though, because only one of the romances is between girls (and it's definitely been written as a romance and not a friendship, unfortunately). The ones I was going to post about are Supernormal Step and Girl Genius, which ones do you read?
  17. Why is egregious and obtrusive PDA in romantic relationships a thing? It's happened multiple times where I will actively be having a conversation with someone and their romo-person just comes up to them and starts putting their face all over them, apropos of absolutely nothing. I don't know what sets it off and it's honestly really disconcerting. Bonus points if, like most of these instances, it's happened multiple times and continues to happen directly in front of me and other people despite the fact that I am quite clearly and visibly really frickin' uncomfortable with all of this.
  18. *is trash for way too many webcomics*

  19. Spock making this face is honestly the best thing about most of the first season (yes, I know this particular example is from season 2), because at that point the majority of the episodes still had lots of what I call "unnecessarily allo moments", but Spock being there to essentially demonstrate my exact reaction made it worthwhile.
  20. Also: humidity is very much a factor here. I grew up in Arizona, and I would be fine even if it was 95F out...because it's a desert. Whereas in Florida,it would be 80 degrees and I'd be about to melt into a puddle of aro nerd because the humidity never drops below 50 or 60%.
  21. I do this as well, and in my case there are two reasons: one, because I have a job where even if people occasionally do wear shorts, I personally feel awkward if I did because some people consider it "unprofessional" or whatever and I don't generally wear shorts to class or work anyway...which is mostly due to reason two: people have lots of stupid gendered expectations for certain aspects of personal appearance e.g. body hair, and because I don't pass as literally anything other than a cis girl, I know I'm going to get judged for not conforming to those expectations so I just avoid the situation altogether by wearing long pants. If I didn't have an academic job (which I'm probably underqualified for) in which I felt the constant need to prove myself to be professional and competent and "normal" because I'm just an undergrad, and in which I'm not sure how well being out as trans would go? I wouldn't care. But that's not the case, so...yeah.
  22. When I was in high school in Florida and I told people I was going to college in Chicago, everyone said "but it's so coooooooold there!" Yes, it is indeed cold in Chicago. There was a solid week where the temperature didn't get above -20F this winter. But you know what? That was still INFINITELY preferable to a single day of existing in Florida in the summer. (Of course, currently the weather in Chicago is actually hotter than where I was in Florida, and unlike Florida, Chicago still thinks it can get away with having buildings--like, say, my apartment--without air conditioning, which is monumentally Not Okay.)
  23. I just got done playing Undertale, and when I encountered the , I was simultaneously very perplexed and going "well, I mean, this makes exactly as much sense as IRL dating, so why not?]
  24. I finally have wifi in my apartment!!!

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