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Everything posted by Dodecahedron314

  1. And you call yourself an aussie... I am disappointed. As someone who lived in Arizona for most of their life and still can't handle anything above 75F when it's more than ~40% humidity out, I can confirm that being from a desert wasteland does not automatically grant you any amount of tolerance for hot weather. And if you question my Arizonanness, I will sic my cactus on you.
  2. I absolutely hate summer, so honestly I'm fine with this arrangement. Call me strange, but I hate anything involving 85F+ weather and 90% humidity. I'll take my -25F winter over that any day.
  3. This happened when my then-roommate broke up with her longtime boyfriend last summer. I maintained a blank expression for a few seconds, realized I was supposed to react to the news in some way, and then awkwardly offered to buy her junk food from the vending machine downstairs. She laughed a little and said "You're being very Sheldon right now."
  4. Hmm, that's a very good point. There was also other-doomed!Vriska and Meenah, but that still doesn't discount her being demi, considering how long they spent wandering around all the doomed worlds together before that happened. (And I think at one point it's very briefly implied that non-doomed!Vriska also has something of a flush crush on Meenah? When Meenah is giving her speech to the ghost army? But I can't remember how the timing works with respect to her saying she's not interested in anything outside of her moirallegiance with Terezi--I think the timelines might have gotten switched around or something between those two incidents, but I can't remember for sure. Dangit, I might have to reread the bit leading up to Collide and rewatch Act 7 to refresh my memory on what exactly happened there.) tl;dr: Demi/quoiro Vriska headcanon accepted.
  5. You know what'd be great? Being anywhere even remotely near any nonzero number of my friends right now. So why am I currently stuck 300, 800, and 1500 miles away from them? >.<

  6. Ah yes, looks like it's time for another episode of Dodec's Adventures in Being Extremely Aro Fandom Trash--this time, it's the Sherlock edition, because the friend who made me trash for it in the first place insisted on getting me caught up before Series 4 happens in January. Because of how my romance repulsion is really inconsistent with what sets it off and when, I occasionally just kind of forget about it, until something like (S2E2 and S3E3 spoilers) happens and I go "wow, yep, romance repulsion is still...very much a thing for me...okay showrunners can you stop now?!?". Speaking of inconsistency, (S3E2 spoilers) And for one that doesn't involve spoilers, I think I may have reached peak aro when one of my friends mentioned how angry their homophobic mom was when she found out that they drew Johnlock fanart, and I was extremely confused for the several hours it took me to realize that those syllables referred to the John/Sherlock ship, Johnlock, rather than the Enlightenment philosopher, John Locke.
  7. @cute kitty Meow! Mewo! Join the crazy cactus person club
  8. My gender does weird things. For the most part I just plain don't have one, but every so often I suddenly get hit with feeling noticeably more masculine and it weirds me the heck out. A lot of the time I'll mentally and verbally refer to myself in masculine terms just to avoid feminine ones rather than because I identify with them specifically, but when my gender does the weird masc thing all of a sudden I feel connected to those on a specific positive level rather than "I don't care what words you use as long as they don't imply that I'm female", and I care a lot more about reading as male than reading as nothing in particular. It's just a very different state of mind in a way that I can't really explain. If I could, I would probably understand gender a lot more than I do.
  9. @NullVectoryes, the Machine is dodecahedral--and if you read Cosmos carefully, you'll notice he played with the idea back then as well. (That section in general is why dodecahedra are kind of my thing, because I very much enjoy the idea of Pythagoras freaking out at the very existence of a polyhedron. ) And yes, 314 is because pi. I've also been a huge Carl Sagan fan since high school, that was just a little more recent for me. I suppose maybe that made my becoming an astronomer somewhat inevitable, then--I mean, he's practically a patron saint of the field.
  10. My username came from this book, because it's the only thing I've ever read to have had such an impact on me for me to feel justified in classifying it as my favorite book, so I'll just kind of jump in here I'd disagree with Ellie being aro (despite the magnificent pun potential...Aroway, get it? ), because in the book there was also the relationship she had with Ken der Heer, which seemed as though it might have been veering slightly more into romantic territory--though I, too, haven't reread it in quite a while because I'm busy trying to become Ellie myself, so I could be wrong. I haven't reread it since I realized I'm aroace, so I'll probably do so over winter break and see if that changes my reading of her. Also, seconded on the book being exponentially better than the movie--the movie literally wrote out half of the characters, including my favorite side character, and half the plot points. It also completely misses out on Carl Sagan's writing style, which is one of the best things in existence, just saying. Oh crap, I just re-found this post after having read the entirety of Homestuck this summer. I could totally see aroace John and Jade, and gay Rose, gay Dirk, and pan Dave are literally canon. Not entirely sure if Jane would be ace, but definitely demi, and I 100% agree with romance-repulsed bi aro Jake. Roxy is an interesting case--I could see her as demi/very dark gray in both respects, but definitely bi. Not fully convinced of Equius as aro, because he was trying for a matespritship with Aradia early on IIRC. Also, wasn't Terezi vacillating between quadrants with Karkat for a while? On the other hand, adding to the list of trolls on the spectrum, I don't recall Sollux, Kanaya, or Feferi being kismeses with anyone, or Gamzee having a matesprit.
  11. Does anyone else ever get this thing where if they're squicked out by a relationship between characters in something like a TV show or podcast, they get even more squicked out if they find out that the actors who play those characters are in a relationship IRL as well? Because that's a weirdly specific thing that I've just encountered, and I was wondering if anyone else ever had that reaction.
  12. This happened during a discussion with another person about my friend trying to find fanart of her favorite character for her phone wallpaper. Me: "I mean, I became fandom trash for half a dozen things this summer, and I don't have fanart for any of my wallpapers." Person: "Well, when you have lots of fandoms, you can't pick just one, you know? It's like, this ship from this thing is amazing, but I also really love this ship from another thing, but this is just the cutest fanart of this ship from this other thing! Like that, you know?" Me: "...No, actually I don't. " ...Instance #42959268 of people having far different fandom priorities than I do.
  13. I'm not sure that there is a simple answer here. How do you translate things into "allo speak"? Terms like "non platonic" or "non romantic" are likely to be just as confusing as "queer platonic". Terms like "FWB" or "sexual friend" are likely to be misinterpreted as "sex only". I've been calling my QPP my brother when referring to him around other people, because we've been close enough friends to consider ourselves siblings since long before either of us knew about the existence of QPRs. Makes it kind of confusing and needs clarification when I mention things like his family and it's clear that it's not my family, or how people kept on shipping us in high school, but I personally feel like it's easier to say "he's my brother whom I'm not actually related to" than to go through the entirety of Queerplatonic 101. I have a similar problem with Romantic-era composers, even though I've vehemently and aggressively identified as aro ever since I found out the term existed.
  14. It's exhausting being right on the Internet sometimes.

  15. I have done almost nothing useful today, but if nothing else, my pun game is on fire.

    1. Dodecahedron314


      One might even say it's...on punt.

    2. Kerfluffle


      I'd play along with you, but my jokes are awfully homespun.


  17. PSA to all the Americans on here to GO AND VOTE as soon as you can! (Early voting is a wonderful thing, y'all.)

  18. Last night I had a dream that for some reason I was supposed to be in the wedding party of some random people, which I had absolutely no interest in, but then I found out that my role in the wedding party was to be the person taking care of the couple's incredibly tiny adorable kitten during the ceremony, and then I was totally fine with it because kitten!
  19. If we're considering Tesla, we could also throw in Isaac Newton, who was also commonly assumed to be aroace for the same reason.
  20. I am profoundly dissatisfied with the end of a certain webcomic, and trying very hard not to rant about it right now.

  21. (I'm going to just pretend this isn't a double post because this thread hasn't been active for a month) So I just watched The Blind Banker (Sherlock S1E2) with a friend who's also possibly somewhere on the aro spectrum (quoi? demi? Neither of us are really sure), and when it got to the point where , both of us immediately agreed that the entire situation could have been avoided if he had just been aroace and therefore precluded the possibility of a random shoehorned excuse for a romantic subplot that only existed for dramatic tension and plot convenience.
  22. It totally didn't take me this long to figure out that statuses show up at the bottom of the mobile site, nope, I'm really observant and totally knew that before today...

    1. Zema


      Unless you've been using the default blue skin (and I think maybe the grey skin?) the status updates appearing at the bottom on mobile was only added a few weeks ago.

    2. Dodecahedron314


      Ah, I feel a little less silly then. 

  23. This sounds exactly like me... though I've never been checked for autism or anything. I get very very irritable if I have to be around people (even people I really like) for extended periods of time without being left alone to recover inbetween. Same. Sometimes I wonder... Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 127 of 200Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 83 of 200You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie) ...Ah. Welp. That explains a lot...
  24. The entire concept of marriage squicks me the heck out in a big way because romance repulsion, but even if some bizarro sequence of events were to happen that would make me okay with it (which is about as likely as me suddenly gaining the ability to phase through walls), I feel like anyone I would marry would almost certainly be the kind of person who would probably see it the same way I would and treat it more like a matter of paperwork a la filing taxes than any gigantic party-worthy life event.
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