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Everything posted by Spark_TheDemiboyRat

  1. I dont really care about pronouns either, but there are some that I prefer over others.
  2. Have you told anyone that you're genderflux yet? If so, how'd you do it? I might try to soon?
  3. That's similar to how I feel, except I'm on the more feminine side of things. All of the sudden whether you picking out clothes, or whatever else, you just get this feeling that's like hey, I feel more like this today. It's really interesting that one day you can completely one way, and then the other you feel the complete opposite. For my pronouns, I just use they/them. I covers all bases I guess.
  4. I've never really felt masculine, so I think the term genderflux fits me better. Also, thanks for helping me to see where I fit in. I think I have a better understanding now. It was actually really surprising to see that not many people know what genderflux is. Heck, whenever I searched it up, it always auto corrected to genderfluid. I wish more people knew what it was, so people new to the community would know where they fit, and where they don't.
  5. Is it bad that I'm watching Home alone already? It wasn't me who put it on, but still.??

    1. Alaska Native Manitou

      Alaska Native Manitou

      If you want to watch it, does the time of year matter?  Christmas in Connecticut came out in April, after all.

    2. Spark_TheDemiboyRat


      You have a solid point.

  6. Now that I think about it though, I might be genderflux. I know I said I wasn't, but I looked into it more, and it kinda fits how I feel. If I was genderflux (and I might be) I would be more on the feminine side of things. Some days I feel feminine, some days I don't, and somedays U feel kind of feminine, but not fully. I am currently thinking about having some people calling me them/they. Any other suggestions?
  7. I myself am not genderflux, but I read up on it and it sounds pretty cool! I think I might be genderfluid, although I'm not quite sure yet. I actually had to look up the meaning of genderflux, because apparently I'm a clueless idiot lol. Anyway, I would love to hear about your experiences! And maybe you could help me see if I really am genderfluid.
  8. As a ace/aro myself, I have to inform you that you are... completely correct. Well done.
  9. Dang, all of these has happened to me at least once. Thanks for clearing things up lol.
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