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Everything posted by AromanticAardvark

  1. I'm not sure if it really counts, but I did have a dream once where I had at least one crush? I knew this in the dream because I chose to give my crush(es) a hair from my unicorn mane (I was a unicorn in this dream) to keep them safe from the faceless lumpy men who were surrounding us, which indicated romantic interest. So yeah, really weird dream so I'm not sure if it really counts
  2. Two! Excellent. Well, I'll regift the boxes to the next person. The next person gets two boxes with ROCKS stamped on the side
  3. You forgot to make a wish, so I'll make one for you, and one of my own: Your wish: I wish I had remembered to make a wish My wish: I wish I had the motivation to finish studying for my test tomorrow (and my exam Thursday)
  4. For two of them I made myself, but for the last I couldn't resist the appeal of some dramatic long black hair. She's an old-fashioned Hollywood star who famously never leaves her home except to work on movies, and she never gives interviews, and only answers reporters in one-word answers, if at all. Is it just plain old agoraphobia, or is there something... spookier going on? Dun dun dunnnn! (Also she's Jewish like me)
  5. This was so fun! I wasn't expecting so many options. Oh and I added both the lesbian and bi flag because I'm not sure which fits better rn and there isn't really a flag for "I like girls and that's kind of all I know right now"
  6. Q: ...What is in your mouth right now? A: A pair of scissors and three breakfast burritos
  7. You COULD have unlimited knowledge, but you don't. (Alternatively, you have unlimited knowledge but none of it is organized in your mind, so if you're trying to know something about one subject you'll suddenly know everything about a different subject instead) I wish for an outfit generator that gives me the perfect outfit for any given occasion
  8. For me, I think my allosexuality has affected my sexual desire in that I've started to notice an irrational fear that my allosexuality is somehow immoral or predatory because it's not tempered by romantic attraction, which has caused me to try and (somewhat fail to) repress it. Though I'm not sure if that really counts as being because of my aromantic allosexuality or just internal homophobia. Either way, I don't think it will affect me in the long run.
  9. We have an aromantic Wikipedia page!!!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aromanticism
  10. Caroline, 100%. The buttons-for-eyes thing creeped me out a ton
  11. Here's mine too, if you'd like it. A lot of the songs are very aroallo themed
  12. Unfortunately there's no good way to get rid of it until they get tired of it or you leave the school. You could try reacting in a really 'normal' way, like acting freaked out a bit like they're being weird and irrational for doing this (which they ARE), as long as you don't overdo it. Some advice, though: do NOT react in any extreme way, that'll make it a lot worse
  13. Same! It felt so out-of-nowhere and random, like she just NEEDED a romantic partner so they went "uhhhh here fall in the water and get saved by Hot Guy. You have romance now" What were people's thoughts about the last episode?
  14. I started to read this a while ago, but the spelling and grammar mistakes were too much for me... I'll reread, maybe my tolerance has gone up!
  15. I like them! I'm always a bit wary of using them, especially around people who might not take it in a platonic name, but I would like to use them more (and get called them more) with friends
  16. I'm not really sure whether this should go here, Aromantic Discussions, or Off Topic because it's not technically about aromanticism directly, but I'm writing a satirical speech for English class about rainbow capitalism and I'd love an aro perspective.
  17. I disagree with this: straight and white romance has never really been shamed. But queer, interracial, and polyamorous romance has been discriminated against and shamed for a very long time (especially in the West). So when you insult romance in general, you're also insulting those groups (especially in an aro space, where chances are most people experiencing romantic attraction are experiencing queer romantic attraction)
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