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Everything posted by Ace-TheTimelordsCompanion

  1. So long as I can wash it every night and layer it for different levels of heat, it would be a relief in a way really. You get a million dollars but you can never watch any episodes of your favourite show that come out after today
  2. Okay, I guess I;ll be hiring a secretary cos I hate making phone calls A million dollars but it is tied up in a restaurant business that you have to manage, but you get the profit etc, and you can make all the choices etc, but you can;t sell it for at least a year
  3. *Smeagol voice* We is not listenings to you anxieties, we is not listenings!!

    1. ArodynamicallyFavored



  4. I will ban you I am banning you I have banned you
  5. Banned for discounting the use of logic
  6. It is currently 3degrees Celsius INSIDE the house, and I am eating icecream

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. paporomantic


      ATTC, I thought you were on the South Island. On the North one, setting heating up is impractical indeed.

    3. Ace-TheTimelordsCompanion


      Oh, right I meant AroMa(n)tisse, not dodgy at all

    4. paporomantic


      I'd experience fewer weather swings if I moved closer to the sea, which I think I can afford, but it would be a very bold move and I'm being held back by the shadows of my control freak relatives :(

      I can make it so that my 2nd apartment is in a seaside village, though, when I'm sure that I'll never need to commute to work, and then I'll rent the 1st (city) one out.

  7. Banned because i only borrowed it......like the TARDIS is just borrowed really
  8. Hunger vs sleepiness! I know, I'll just ignore both of them and post here instead

    1. Dodgypotato


      Eat some icecream!!!

  9. Yay, thank you both! Doing those two things together means I found it now!!!!!
  10. Banned because just because it hasn;t happened yet doesn;t mean it didn't happen #WibblyWobblyTimeyWhimeyStuff
  11. Nope, I value my vision too much You get a million dollars but for the next 6 months it rains every time you step outside, and doesn;t stop raining until you are inside again.
  12. Banned for playing a game of Steal Ace's TARDIS
  13. The topic title pretty much says it all. Sorry, I feel like an idiot. I am using an accessibility app, which may not be helping, but I had a brief look without the app, and can;t find it. Or is it maybe cos I am still a newbie? I dunno Thanks
  14. Banned because banning is serious business
  15. Okay, I think I could live with that Conversely you get a million dollars but you have 50% more hair on your face and body
  16. It's going to be a long two years You get a million dollars but for the next ten years you suffer chronic insomnia and cannot sleep for more than four hours at a time
  17. No thanks you get a million dollars for becoming a daily blogger, the problem is that the blog must be about peanut butter and jam sandwiches, and you must post a new post every day for the next 7 years
  18. Okay sure, I'm still better of with it than without it. Hello internet shopping or travelling and sending stuff home. A million dollars, but you have to use some of it to open a public art gallery of all the pictures you drew/painted as a small child. These pictures have mysteriously turned up and you are not allowed to pretend that the work isn't yours. And you are never allowed to explain the real reason why you opened the gallery
  19. No, absolutely not You get a million dollars but you have to attend multiple fancy parties every week, and politely rub shoulders with the rich and influential while making meaningless small talk
  20. Although this is not actually much of a difference, I think I will pass this time. You inherit a million dollars, but you also inherit a grumpy crocodile named clive, and you have to care for it yourself
  21. Can't say I've tried them, but they sound okay. Crickets?
  22. Nah, my family is here, I'm never moving too far away from them You get a million dollars but you have to live with the knowledge that it was skimmed off the retirement funds/pensions of vulnerable elderly people. And no. you can;t give it back. or buy things for the victims.
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