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  1. Really? I don't think it has the same ring as spade but I didn't think it sounded bad. I'm curious to know if others feel this way too. (it's pronounced spuh- dil for reference) It's derived from the Spanish word espadilla (diminutive of espada which means sword.) Not coincidentally on the other site I posted this to some people seemed to like the idea of taking up ”ace of sword” instead of spade. Which I thought sounded cool but ”swords” isn't really something you can nickname people as, is it?
  2. Ohh I didn't realize you had said non-sam ARO. That's something completely different from an aroace who doesn't want to use the sam. There are non-sam aces and non-sam aros but there are also aroaces who don't use the split attraction model because they don't see their identity as being split.
  3. Hmm that's an interesting point I didn't think of. I feel that Aroace has been the only word we had to describe it but does that necessarily mean that anything using ”aroace” operates on the SAM? Like I think of the aroace flag. Isn't it more about the experience of being aroace itself? If there was another word for that experience we’d call it the (that word) flag. You know what I mean?
  4. ”Spadille” could be a good nickname for aroaces. It could be a neutral term that indicates anyone with no sexual and romantic attraction but without automatically assuming they do or don't use the SAM. And if they don't like to use the term aroace it could be used as an alternative. It's based on the card symbolism in the ace community. Ace of hearts= romoace, Ace of diamond= demi, Ace of clubs = gray, Ace of spades = aroace. Another term for ace if spade is spadille( I've been informed ”spade” has unsavory connotations in some places) So from that an aroace would be nicknamed as a ”spadille”. Edit: I've found out some places use spade as a racial slur. I've found the word Spadille, which is a synonym. I've edited the post to be about spadille instead
  5. I got the okay! It would be acceptable for aroaces to use it. (They also suggested the terms ay, reidem, and nullic/nullative, if anyone’s interested )
  6. I don't think anyone was saying that ”spinster” is a slur. I get it though, because ”reclaim” is usually used for very strong words like slurs so it could carelessly imply spinster is one too. Anyways I think anattractional is leagues better than spinster. I'd even go as far to say it's a genuinely good term that I could see people wanting to use. Plus it starts with an A :). As far as I can tell this word was made by beyond-mogai-pride-flags on Tumblr. It seems like it's supposed to mean someone who doesn't experience multiple forms if attraction. Not necessarily ”doesnt experience any attraction but it can include that too? Alright I think I'm going to ask them if it'd be okay for aroaces to use it, to be safe. I'll update if they respond Edit: their asks are off
  7. That thread on aven turned into another thread where people discussed the idea of aroaces retaking the word ”spinster”. Edit: The guest was me too but the comment didn't seem to be going through so I made an account, but now the other comment appeared. Uh... just ignore it.
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