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Status Updates posted by nisse

  1. aroallos are fucking excellent, the absolute backbone of the community it feels like sometimes

    i'm a wee bit tipsy but i mean it with all my bones

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MulticulturalFarmer


      Ok, just out of curiosity, can you be aro-allo if you are sexually fluid (sometimes demi and sometimes more allo?) Or is there a different term for that?

    3. nisse


      @MulticulturalFarmer i'm not sure i'm the right person to ask, but in general i live by the rule if it fits i sits. if you feel comfortable being aro-allo, then yeah go ahead!

      and remember, allo is less of an identity and more of a convenient way do describe not aro/not ace (in this case, of course, not ace). 

    4. boba


      @MulticulturalFarmer tbh, imo I think so??? I'm aro-allo and tbh I think labels are your own! so if u think its applicable, then sure!

  2. Hi friends, I haven't been on here since almost a year ago but here i am again ?

  3. you know it's funny, as much as there's a tiny goblin in my head who's very sure that romance is made up and everyone is in on it, i fucking adore (good) romance stories. one of my favourite movies is pride and prejudice (2005). the complex relationship between miranda, james flint, and thomas hamilton in black sails is *chef's kiss*. i'm writing a queer poly romance story right now! t's a weird little juxtaposition, and it also reminds me of aspec people's tendency to feel a certain attraction towards fictional characters.

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