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Tadpole (1/4)

  1. i remember i was over at this kid's house when i was six or so and he said that he wouldn't let me over anymore unless i kissed him. i was just like sure whatever and kissed him. then i felt terrible bc my parents had told me that kissing on lips is only for 'mommies and daddies'. i never really understood the significance of kissing? i guess? except now, at sleepovers, during truth or dare (i always choose truth) they're like 'ooh ever kissed someone' and i feel bad to say yes bc ill feel un-aro-like and i just go with 'duh, my mom' and they're just like 'no silly, a guy' and i just
  2. Romantic Shipping: Real life - only if canon, and only if they obviously have chemistry, etc. and it doesn't seem forced Fictional - some well developed couples, again only canon Sexual Shipping: Real life - ew no never Fictional - why would you just no Queerplatonic/sensual/etc.: All..the..bloody..time real life is yes fictional is yes if they get along and look really happy together then i probably ship them qp
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