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Everything posted by Morgenfluss

  1. I think, queerbaiting is about specifically implying that a character is queer in order to get more LGBTQ+ viewers, whilst at the same time denying that the character is queer. If it is purely to get more viewers it's queerbaiting. If it's because they aren't allowed to show explicit LGBTQ+ content, but they still want to give the LGBTQ+ viewers something, it isn't, then they're just hinting. There are also some gray areas, where fans queer-code, despite it not having been intended, which is then often said to be queerbaiting. I don't know if you know Supernatural, but it's a common fandom for this type of gray area. On the one hand there are the fans claiming that Dean and Castiel should be together, with one of the actors making jokes about it and hinting about it, whilst also dropping some clues in the show that they could be together (e.g. other characters calling them 'boyfriends'). On the other hand, there are several confirmed LGBTQ+ characters in the show, which have been confirmed (e.g. Charlie <girl kissing another girl and saying men are 'not her type'>, Chuck <'Yeah, I had some girlfriends. Had a few boyfriends'>, characters shown as both male and female <e.g. Raphael, Castiel, Hannah>, and various gay couples), which would make queerbaiting in the form of 'Destiel' useless -- they already have queer characters, so they don't need to 'bait' anyone. Clear queerbaiting is seen in Harry Potter, with JK Rowling claiming that Albus Dumbledore is gay, despite there having been no evidence in the books and now just ignoring his and Grindelwald's relationship in the movies. Many people might have gone into the cinemas, hoping to see their relationship at least hinted at... but nothing. In such a case, this revelation was for profit, since they could have easily made Dumbledore gay in the movies as well. Not queerbaiting would be Oscar Isaac saying that he would have loved for his character in StarWars (Poe Dameron) to be with Finn. That wasn't allowed because Disney feared that they would loose profit that way, instead adding a scene of a second with two girls kissing, which could easily be edited out of the movie in countries like Singapore. This was just Oscar Isaac voicing his opinion, never once hinting at the relationship coming up in the movie. Also not queerbaiting would be the show 'Good Omens', where you can interpret the main characters (Aziraphale and Crowley) as being in a relationship, since it's been clearly stated that neither are male (in fact, both have no gender, whilst usually presenting male, with some exceptions for Crowley, who had been shown in typical women's clothes), along with the author saying that you can interpret them however you want -- male and gay or non-binary and asexual and aromantic. Since it is made clear that they will not be confirmed in a relationship, whilst having the opportunity to imagine whatever you want, this is just the author giving you the freedom to decide, not wanting to label the characters, instead of queerbaiting. Well, this is how I see queerbaiting. Hope this cleared everything up. Feel free to disagree!
  2. The latest thing that happened: We were in English class and analyzing adds. In one add there was this guy with just a towel around his waist and my teacher proceded to ask all the females about the sex-appeal that add had and if we thought anything when they had shown a towel being dropped,,, because obviously everyone with XX-Chromosomes had to feel attracted to that man. My friend knows that I'm Aro/Ace tho and we just proceded to laugh about what our teacher was saying, because I had,,, like,,, totally missed the towel dropping, never mind that he was supposed to look "sexy" ?
  3. The Ace flag has the following stripes: black, grey, white and purple which are supposed to represent allosexuals, ace-spec, asexuals and community. If the Ace flag can have a stripe for allosexuals, what is the problem with the (unofficial) aro-flag having a stripe for aro-spec folks. There's nothing bad about including them. They're not harming the community or anything. And if this is such a big problem, maybe you should just ignore the meaning of the flag's stripes and use it as the Aro flag it is...
  4. I haven't seen a poll like this yet, but I was quite curious, because to me it seemed as if there are an above-average amount of fellow enbys on here.
  5. In general, to be a different gender than the one you were assigned at birth you have to at least feel a disconnection to your birth sex. For most people this is dysphoria. There are different times of dysphoria: Social dysphoria (feeling sick and/or wrong when referred to as your birth sex) and body dysphoria (feeling wrong/sick with your sex characteristics). Some also say that there's mind dysphoria, which is when you refer to yourself as your birth sex and feel sick. Personally, I believe, that you would need to feel dysphoric in order to be some form of transgender -- binary or non-binary. In general, take your time to figure things out. Experiment to see what you're most comfortable with. I wish you the best of luck, figuring it out!
  6. I've been a vegetarian for 10 years or so now... Ever since I was six. I do try to not use milk and eggs if there's a vegan option tho.
  7. In English class we were supposed to find synonyms for good and I found like twenty of them. The next day I wanted to present them and then my teacher started with "Well, it's not just a good kiss, it's an amazing kiss" and continued that way with all the words. Turns out, I didn't contribute to class that day. In German class we were analyzing love songs -- which was totally annoying, but whatever -- and I just couldn't figure out what everybody else thought the lyrics meant. For me stuff like "possessing someone" sounded more like Stockholm syndrom or something similar, whilst for everybody else it was a clear declaration of love. Another time in English class we were supposed to share the story of our first kiss. I said, that I once kissed a platonic friend to freak a homophobe out (I passed as female, she was female) (the homophobe actually ran away tho xD), but then my teacher just said that I was supposed to share the story of my first "real" kiss... Like,,, no,,, Is it really a surprise at this point tho that I was the only one who didn't learn how to use a condom in class? I'm quite sure that my grade suffered because of that, but whatever. Oh, and I once tried to write some romance. Yeah, I wrote a case of Stockholmm syndrom and the next time I wrote a QPR...
  8. A character I personally see as aromantic is Dean Winchester from the show Supernatural. Nothing has ever been confirmed, the fandom is just all about portaying and pushing him to be Bisexual and (of course ?) therefore biromantic, but he's got some good lines that just resonate with me. I don't know how you would see these, but I tried to find some examples: Spoiler S11E04 Spoiler S5E11 Since I didn't want to go through the whole series again, these are just some snippets, but at least to me they are signs that Dean might be aromantic. At least I see him that way. Maybe you could add those two as clips. Sadly I don't have any video material right now, nor do I have time stamps, so there might be some research involved on your side. And, btw, best of luck for your video! I can't wait to see the results!
  9. Hey fellow Aros! I think the title is pretty self-explenatory, but I'll still give you an example of how this game is played ? Person A: Person B? Person B: Yes. Person A? Person C: No... Maybe Person A now? Person A: Yes. How about Person B? I think you got the spirit ? I hope you'll enjoy playing! ~Luca/Morgenfluss Chibi Sam Winchester?
  10. A character I personally see as aromantic is Dean Winchester from the show Supernatural. Nothing has ever been confirmed, the fandom is just all about portaying and pushing him to be Bisexual and (of course ?) therefore biromantic, but he's got some good lines that just resonate with me. I don't know how you would see these, but I tried to find some examples: Spoiler S11E04 Spoiler S5E22 and following Spoiler S5E11 Since I didn't want to go through the whole series again, these are just some snippets, but at least to me they are signs that Dean might be aromantic. At least I see him that way.
  11. https://aminoapps.com/c/asexualityme/page/blog/asexual-and-aromantic-memes/Lj3z_QVu8uGD876DdmqzakKXYb4ajYggpP Not mine, but a classic, so I thought I could share it. https://me.me/i/quiddleprincess-that-aromantic-feel-when-you-start-worrying-that-someone-4843459
  12. Hello! I'm an Aro/Ace from Germany who just discovered that there is an aromantic equivalent to AVEN. I'm Agender and prefer to use they/them pronouns but feel free to use neopronouns as well. I've been identifying as Asexual for one and a half years, as Agender for shortly over a year and as Aromantic for just about a year now. Uh, what else is there to tell? I'm sixteen years old, currently in school and I love reading. I write fanfiction. I'm vegetarian. Nice to meet you all! Morgenfluss
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