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Posts posted by ruth

  1. I am pretty skeptical on the whole idea of "romantic love". I don't have a stable opinion of it yet but I'm leaning towards the idea that it's all made up. To me, "romantic love" is sexual attraction and a close friendship combined. I don't see it as a whole new type of love. Are aromantics just people who are aware that what defines as romantic love is very vague? Not to mention it's something wholly unique to humanity.


    I don't know, I am what you would consider an aromantic so maybe I'm skeptical because I have never felt it before.

  2. thank you for the insight you two

    i meant to reply earlier i apologize >_< 


    I understand that dysphoria is different for every person. Gender is a complicated subject and no two people are the same in regards to it

    I think right now I will use non-binary or use genderfluid. I actually was looking into genderflux but I feel like genderfluid fits me better

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  3. @Jot-Aro Kujo

    I have looked into genderfluid actually. I think my issue isn't with labels itself but rather if I'm actually dysphoric. I think genderfluid people would still have an issue being seen as their birth gender bc even though they might identify with their birth gender for a moment they're not whatever their birth gender is - they're genderfluid. /I/ do not have an issue being categorized as my birth gender whenever the dysphoria dies down. 

  4. Hello all

    Lately I have been struggling with gender identity

    I don't mind any interpretations of my feelings. I won't get offended. I know that at the end of the day my identity is my own choice and nobody can say otherwise.

    anyway . . . 

    There are days where I feel as if I am genderless or have a neutral gender (agender) and am incredibly dysphoric about my body and how other people percieve me. There are days where I feel like I don't care if people see me as female and I don't feel detached from my body. There are days where I feel like I have a masculine gender (not necessarily male) and once again feel incredibly dysphoric about my body and how other people percieve my gender 

    I feel so confused. I don't know why I feel this way. I don't think I am 100% cis because of those episodes of dysphoria. I'm not sure what it all means. Sometimes I am cis and sometimes I am not. Perhaps I'm struggling with "gender role strain" instead of gender dysphoria? I'm so lost HALP


  5. HELLO! I am Ruth

    I have discovered that I may be aromantic. It's been difficult coming to terms to this because I feel like I'm missing out. I'm supposed to fall in love and establish a romantic relationship but I simply don't fall in love! I'm emotionally satisfied with a very close friend.

    I always felt alienated from my friends and family for not having any interest in a romantic relationship. It's relieving finding people who feel the same way I do. 

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