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Posts posted by nightfury326

  1. On August 20, 2016 at 6:28 PM, Nakaez said:

    Cheating.  I could never understand why someone would get into a relationship with someone, but at the same time be romantically and/or sexually involved with somebody else without telling the first person. Seriously. Why not just break up with the first one? Or if they are soo importand that you "can't live without them" not cheat? 


    ^^ This. When someone tells me they broke up because of cheating O.o

    Also- aside from really close friends- I don't understand discussing the romantic/sexual aspects of a romantic/sexual relationship. 

    Made even more awkward when someone who's not even close to me (who seems to forget I'm AroAce), is talking about it. 

    I feel like the only way I'll ever understand romantic/sexual relationships is through writing fictional characters- it's the only time I won't freak out over something romantic/sexual.

    • Like 4
  2. I didn't like how sexist some of the possible answers were. 




    S.A.G.E. Test Results

    Your Raw Score is: 340, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous

    Your appearance is Androgynous

    Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person.

    You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner.

    You believe you have mild conflicts about your gender identity.

    You indicated your were born Female.

    Female to Male Crossdresser 

    • Your Answers indicate your psychological state has likely prevailed since you were quite young.
    • You are in a statistical minority as a anallophilic crossdresser. Most crossdressers are heterosexual. Your motivation for crossdressing may be driven by the undirected nature of your sexuality, as a way to more fully explore the Male gender role.





    It's somewhat accurate, My next cosplay project is Hiccup's Race to the Edge outfit. 


    To be honest- I'd say my conflicts have more to do with the sexism in culture and society, rather than anything to do with how comfortable I am in my own body. 

    • Like 6
  3. On May 15, 2016 at 7:12 AM, Louis Hypo said:

    I've always been aro, I always was waiting for those feelings and they never came, and at one point I stopped waiting for the future and identified as how I feel now and I'm never gonna stop!


    Same. I never experienced it when I hit my teens, and the thought of dating someone still scares me. I knew I didn't like romance, but I didn't know there was a word for it until I got onto tumblr and followed some blogs that re-blogged posts about asexuality and aromanticism. 

    • Like 3
  4. On May 17, 2016 at 1:38 PM, Rising Sun said:
    • I really enjoyed the Doctor's romance with Rose, I found it very cute (please don't hit me, no !). Although I felt really sorry for the terrible way Mickey was treated because he was a great guy and he didn't deserve that.


    But it's cute ! I find my squishes adorable too ! Like puppies :x That's how I know I'm having a squish !


    I agree on this for sure. It was done in a believable way for me, and when I hit the episode Doomsday, I'm crying by the end of it. 

    So, here's my 2 cents. 

    I've experienced romantic/sexual attraction before, to varying degrees. At the time I thought they were crushes, and one was a small amount of romantic attraction, but that faded within weeks. It was 5 years ago so I barely count it toward me being grey-aro. Sexual attraction for me, I feel like it's been even longer. Not that I want to experience it anyway. 

    Fictional romance when done right can be awesome. :) 


    I've also read and enjoyed smut, fluff, and darker stories. (My fictional writing gets DARK.) 

    On May 26, 2016 at 10:50 AM, Louis Hypo said:

    I couldn't spot a romance if it was the only thing I could look at and heck, same even applies to QPRs or any connection (I'm such a lone wolf)


    Same. If it's a well done romantic comedy. Ok- my example might be really tame, but I'm a David Tennant fan, so I turned on The Decoy Bride on Netflix for the first time and loved it. It's relatively light on the romance, or is it because it's a Scottish film, that it doesn't seem as "in-your-face" as American romantic comedies. 

    Edit- The first time I watched it was in Sept- and for the most part- it's one of my go-to movies for when I have a bad day, unless I'm feeling really romance repulsed, which is rare for me, but it happens. 


    • Like 3
  5. This is going to be super short (more details here


    tw- for brief mentions of sex..just in case.


    So- it never got into anything official, but the person creeped me out days before by the mere mention of sex in relation to my creative writing.  It'd also creep me out to be considered anyone's girlfriend.


    My thoughts on that are "Ew- why would I want THAT from you??? EW EW EW.." (aka- me figuring out I'm definitely on the ace spectrum). 



    • Like 2
  6. First off- my Mom's aromantic and asexual- so the pressure from my immediate family to fit into cultural norms wasn't there. With my immediate family, coming out as asexual, my mom understands and my dad doesn't care either way. 


    In general from my closest friends and family- They know to some extent- but even before I knew the term aromantic, I thought the whole dating thing something other people do. 


    Some of my closest friends know. Most of the time the subject doesn't even pop up. 

    • Like 4
  7. On April 15, 2016 at 10:34 AM, aihpen said:

    I'm aro ace, so I don't really want to say much about the line between romantic and sexual, but I think it's probably similar to the line between romantic and platonic: quite blurry. Something that might be romantic for one person might be sexual for another and something that one person thinks of as completely platonic might be romantic to someone else. Drawing a clear line between different forms of attractions/relationships seems pretty much impossible to me.


    For me, cuddling (unless it's platonic between my mom and I), or any mention of physical contact with the other sex freaks me out in Real Life. (I might not be heterosexual- I don't know yet to be honest.) . I see kissing as either/or (sexual or romantic). 


    I don't know, because the sexual fantasies I've had are mostly heterosexual- but lately with someone being romantically attracted to me- I'm beginning to question it. 

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