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Everything posted by DannyFenton123

  1. Janna from Star Vs the Forces of Evil. She just sits there dilating her eyes with a flashlight while Star and Marco shatter my aro heart with their budding romance
  2. When I was younger (and not even close to discovering my orientation) I was friends with this really awesome boy. Since I thought I had to get married one day I was like 'Yep, I will marry this guy when I'm older. He will be a perfect roommate.' I moved away before I had the chance to let that slip, which is probably for the best
  3. I get that so much. Also in one of my favuorite cartoons two best friends are getting together and I'm screaming internally. WHYYYYYYY
  4. Haha @paporomantic, that was hilarious Now I need to do a song that totally deserves the most awful butchering ever. Presenting the creepiest Christmas song ever, 'Baby It's Cold Outside' Eww ewww ewww. Here's a much funnier version:
  5. We can survive four years. Icecream and hugs for everyone who wants it :arolovepapo:

    1. Zema


      Rest in piece the United States of America 1776-2016.

    2. aussiekirkland


      Today has been a truly horrible day, I'm glad it's almost over. Tomorrow we can get up and move forward

    3. ArodynamicallyFavored


      I'm literally disgusted to know that the people who voted "this" into oval office are proudly rallying around the ignorance,bigotry,& demeaning bs

  6. Here is part of 'Devil's Dance Floor' by Flogging Molly: Here is the translated piece (I'm sorry): Here is a video of me singing part of this song because why the hell not:
  7. I think they meant that more as 'Are the questions about romance and sex answered as such because you are asexual?' Though really they should have said asexual and aromantic, which is annoying. Edit: While this is a very interesting topic, it is off topic from the original discussion. I encourage people to start a thread about it in Off Topic if they want to. Thanks!
  8. Going to some teen job application class thing tomorrow. Not entirely sure what to expect xD 

    1. aussiekirkland


      They'll probably mention the tendency of employers to underpay teens and to be aware of minimum wage. I think they mentioned that to us at some point while I was at school.

      Also how to write a good resume and cv

  9. Inspired by Malinda Kathleen Reese (look her up, she's hilarious) I present to you the Google Translate game! Simply run the lyrics of any song through several languages with copy paste in Google Translate and see what you come up with. For example: The original 'Love Love Love' by Of Monsters and Men: 'Love Love Love' run through Latin, Xhosa and Irish': The original 'Giant Woman' from Steven Universe: 'Giant Woman' butchered by Google Translate: Enjoy!
  10. No, I dunno how long it takes to spend a million dollars A million dollars but one night each month you will will go to sleep and wake up in a random location on the land, with no recollection of how you got there.
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