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Everything posted by four-eyed-oreo

  1. I thought the reason I wasn't crushing on anyone was because I live in a small town and just figured that it wasn't happening because the lesbian population in any town is hard to find. I was okay with this, even though my aunt kept bugging me about finding someone. I finally told her 'I don't give a fuck about relationships' and this was before I discovered the word 'Aromantic.' So I think I knew even though I didn't have a word for it. And what's great is my aunt hasn't brought romance up since
  2. For me it fluctuates between romance positive, neutral and repulsed. Usually the trigger is too much physical contact. like if someone cuddles too much or they like to hold hands. For some reason hand holding squicks me out. I don't like seeing PDA, though usually what repulses me is when it happens in fiction. In real life I feel more neutral about it. Honestly I'm not sure why I'm not more romance repulsed, sometimes my romance positivity surprises me lol.
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