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Everything posted by Cassiopeia

  1. And its always hot chocolate weather somewere so... and hot choc may also be an emotional state. @Louis Hypo
  2. I want some hot chocolate. And all the kindness and acceptance speech
  3. You have one, and because no-one else can see it, people stigmatise your unresponsiveness, so they put you through tests and endless theraphy sessions that occupy most of your free time. It gets more and more overwhelming, so you spend most of your life isolated in a bubble. I wish I felt more creative, I just have an art block recently and I miss the satisfaction of creating something new.
  4. Yeah, its really strange. Like I absolutely love love But I'm a Cheerleader, and it does have romance. But the focus is on the discovery of her sexuality, ridiculing conversion theraphy, and loosing her family in the process and finding a new one. There are a few squick worthy scenes, but the rest is brilliant.
  5. Its basically the same topic as aces having sex for whatever reason. Some aro people who date perhaps like the physical affection, perhaps the attention, the sex, the emotional intimacy, etc. An aromantic person is fully capable of performing to the standards of romance (I have done so myself), but perhaps has to remind themselves how to act around their person. I'd consider a cupioromantic person still aro (or greyro), the same way as for example lesbian who does full service sex work and has male clients is still a lesbian. If you are not romance repulsed, it does not distess you in any way, and your partner is cool with you not having romantic feelings for them, then why not?
  6. Youtube's comment section is a lynch mob with perverted imagination and homicidal urges. The average vlogger would do anything for money, melodrama and views.
  7. Cassiopeia


  8. Yeah, whatever, the phone has a calculator. A million dollars but you can only stay awake for four hours each day. You can choose when to wake up though.
  9. I know. It was a reply to @Saaaro's rant about aro aces not fully understanding the alloaro perspective. What I was trying to say is that just because someone is part of this or that part of the alphabet soup demographic, it does not necessarily give them an insight to the perspectives and struggles of some other parts of the community. To them, asexuality and aromanticism probably is quite hard to separate. If you have no sexual or romantic attraction, you have no way of telling what goes into what category-the same way romantic sexuals quite often can't apply the split attraction model to themselves. And being lgbtq+ does not give you an automatic cleansing from amatonormativity and/or other stereotypes, so people may have said something upsetting as well without even knowing. You have to unlearn that type of bs, but there isn't many of us to actually point it out...
  10. Edward Gorey? I have seen some aroace rumours about him. He said he was ace and the aro part is just a theory. @Holmbo wow, that diagram. So, you have to be aro and romo at the same time to be possibly homo...otherwise not a chance guys, sorry. Charming. It looks like someone let a drunk chimpanzee cut out sentences from a gossip mag and make a collage. Where is it from? What kind of point is it trying to make? I'm truly curious.
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