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A Million Dollars But...


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Yeah, I could mange that. Cheese toasties all day erry day.


A million dollars but you can't leave your house/apartment/flat/whatever you live in until you play 1000 hours of Superman 64.

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No, but only cause that's over 41 straight days, and my lease for this apartment ends on the 31st. :P Otherwise, sure, why not, even if it sucks that's $1000 an hour. :o


You get $1 million, but you only get it by taking one penny out of 1 million random people's bank accounts.



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So I'd have 1 million US pennies? Hmmm, I guess. It'd be better that having 1 million Australian 1 cent coins (because they're worthless). I'll take it.


A million dollars but you can no longer send any emails, it all has to be done by traditional mail (i.e. the post). You can still use instant messaging though.



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Okay, I guess I;ll be hiring a secretary cos I hate making phone calls

A million dollars but it is tied up in a restaurant business that you have to manage, but you get the profit etc, and you can make all the choices etc, but you can;t sell it for at least a year

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Nah, I don't have time for grad school and a restaurant.  I'd also probably fail epically at running a restaurant, since 95% of the stuff I know how to cook is pasta or microwavable.


You get $1 million dollars, but you have to wear the same outfit everyday for a year.

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No, migraines are the worst, so it wouldn't be worth it!  I hope your migraine goes away though, that sounds awful! :(


You get $1 million, but you have pay by giving up an arm and a leg (you can chose which ones).

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If it is possible sure, okay, I;m game. I do however feel, that if taken seriously, no skill or knowledge is completely useless. Let me tell you a story, once upon a time there was an obscure mathematical problem, that very few people cared about, and many people said the study of it was entirely useless and pointless. But study it they did, and they even invented a machine to help them study it, and that machine was the precurser to the modern computer. 
Also aspects of a skill are always transferable  to other skills and applications. 

On that not, you get 20 million dollars, but the internet never existed, and will never exist.

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No.  A lot of what I do is online, both in my research and during my free time.


You get $1 million dollars, but you can only eat one food for the rest of your life (you can choose what food)

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Yes because I sort of already do that.


A million dollars but every computer you use makes the sound of an airhorn whilst you're using it. It's loud, you can't stop it or turn it down.

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Uh..well...10M$ is a lot of money... and I'm a horrible person ^^


A million dollar, but you have to spend it on the Deep Web (you have to use your own computer to navigate and are exposed to all the risks of the Spoopy Scary Dark Deep WebO.o)

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