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Anime/Manga with a purely platonic relationship


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Just finished with Death Parade and I really liked how, by the end, they brought the leads closer together without doing so romantically!


What are your favourite anime and manga where the lead characters grow to have a close yet platonic relationship?

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Hikaru no Go, despite what half the fandom thinks. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part 3 also doesn't have any romance in it, unlike most of the other parts. (Unless you count random girls hitting on Jotaro and Kakyoin, or Polnareff... being Polnareff, but none of the characters end up in romantic relationships.) Meganebu is also a severely underappreciated, gorgeously animated comedy with fantastic platonic relationships between five characters. And of course, One Punch Man is always a good one.

Also, Soul Eater! (The anime, at least, idk about the manga.) Knowing how shounen anime are, I genuinely expected Maka and Soul to end up in a relationship, so I was really shocked when the big ending thing actually, honestly was the power of friendship and only friendship. Wild...

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I was reading Yankee-kun to Megane-chan, even though I haven't finished it the friendships are interesting. Whenever questions about romance where brought up, in the case between the two main characters she ends up blanking him. Not sure how it will turn out, but I did hear that the ending was a rush job and some things are left unresolved...lets hope the 'romance' is something left unresolved. 

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9 hours ago, Jot-Aro Kujo said:

Also, Soul Eater! (The anime, at least, idk about the manga.) Knowing how shounen anime are, I genuinely expected Maka and Soul to end up in a relationship, so I was really shocked when the big ending thing actually, honestly was the power of friendship and only friendship. Wild...


Ooh this one was on my list for a while actually and I'm just starting it so I'm excited to see the rest now!


I think I'm going to give Meganebu a watch too, it seems pretty different...and if not just for the fact that I love the artwork style too!

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Meganebu is definitely a great show, although the first episode is very off-putting in some ways, so a lot of people didn't stick with it when it first aired... But I promise that's the only episode that's like that, so don't let it turn you away!

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